Friend's Clubhouse LLC. is a program where people with special needs get together, have fun, practice & maintain life skills. We focus on having social experiences where each day starts & ends with a smile. We have created a weekly schedule with activities such as library visits, bowling, Karaoke & Movies. Crafts, baking & community activities help our participants feel needed, included & cared about. We access the community & public transportation often. We encourage kindness, manners, & positive social skills. We are privately funded thus creating an excellent quality experience for our participants & their families.
Below: Kelsey and Monica, Linsey
Above: Nate,Ashley,Linsey Johnathan,Darren Dane TJ,Stuart,Sydney and Vicki at Disney On Ice
Below: Megan loves helping with crafts on Mondays

We celebrated at our Christmas Party this year Elf the movie style burping contest and all!!!
Above: Matt H. Welcome to Clubhouse
Ashlee C. making friends with the big brass gorilla at Hogle Zoo :D
Above:Such a fun day Wheeler Farm for Cara, Beau, Ashlee, Stuart, Vicki, Sydney, Sara, Johnathan, Megan, Rene', Bri Anna and Tessa

Above:Red Butte Gardens made us all smile. Cara, Tessa, Bri Anna, Vicki, Rene', Ashley & Meisha
Above: Meisha having fun with her Easter craft
Below: Beau, Stuart, Kelsey, Monica Darren and Ashley at the library.

Above:UTA officer John and our Johnathan chat it up on the UTA Trax tour
Below: Sam the piano man after playing a love song for all of us at the Valentine's dinner dance

Our New friends Matt & Candice
Above: We visit the chicken coop in the neighborhood vegetable garden in Salt Lake every year. Wendi, Kelsey, T.J., Stuart, Dane, Jesse, Beau, Nate , Tessa and Johnathan, Cameron and Blaire love the chickens.
Below: we have fun friends Bri Anna, Tessa and Megan hanging out.
Hello to our new friend Ryan

Left: Sweet friend Vicki always has a smile for all of her friends at Clubhouse.
Below: Our volunteer Ashley and Tawna always ready for a good time!
Hi Tyson welcome to Clubhouse
Above above:Ashlee C. & Nate hanging out by the bear den at Hogle Zoo
Below:Sam & Whitney always love hanging out together
Below:Sam & Whitney always love hanging out together
Below:Our friend Ginger
Sierra and Sydney

Above: Did someone say "Snack"? asks Johnathan
Below: We love our Melissa
Above:Meisha loves driving a Trax Train!!
Above: Katrice la la loves bowling!
Below: Sam, Vicki and Meisha are focusing on getting the very serious Easter game done correctly (wink wink)
Below: Sam, Vicki and Meisha are focusing on getting the very serious Easter game done correctly (wink wink)

Above: T.J. and Nate loved one of our many Snowbird visits. Thanks to the folks there who always treat our "kids" like VIP's
Below:Liz our new friend at the Clubhouse
Below:Liz our new friend at the Clubhouse
Cara gets to pretend drive the trax train!

Above:Tessa loves her cute friends T.J. and Beau as they wait for the Snow Bird Tram to take them away

Above: Darren loving the Killer Whale at The Draper Aquarium
Below: Ashley makes our new friend Sydney feel right at home with us. :)
Below: Ashley makes our new friend Sydney feel right at home with us. :)
Below: How could you not love Chad!!!
Below: Tessa & Bri Anna enjoy the sunshine at Snowbird during the picnic
Below: Tessa & Bri Anna enjoy the sunshine at Snowbird during the picnic

Above: Jessica she loves puzzles and ice cream and Pokemon and Candy crush. Welcome to clubhouse.
Above: Ashley B. being brave on the rope bridge at the Aquarium...Darren watches as she goes
Below: Andy, Liz, Blaire, and Whitney at the Bee's Game
Below: Andy, Liz, Blaire, and Whitney at the Bee's Game
Above:Going through the Trax Train Wash tunnel makes for an interesting day
Above: Cara, Bri Anna, Nate and friends all working very seriously on their Jack-o-lantern projects
Below:Meisha & Bri Anna ready for a Wednesday
Below:Meisha & Bri Anna ready for a Wednesday
Such a fun group of folks at the annual Valentine's Party.
Above: Johnathan and Blaire playing a friendly game of Pie Face.
Below: Meisha and Tawna excited about the Easter Crafts at the Easter Party.
Above: Fun friend Monica at her Road Show having a GREAT time. (second from the left)
Below:Vicki happily crafting it up with her friend Cameron
Below:Vicki happily crafting it up with her friend Cameron
Above:Dane, Same, Blaire Beau and Tawna LOVE our Bee's!!!!
Below:We can't have a summer without a few swim days at Stuart's backyard...Thanks Jamie and Kathy!!!
Below:We can't have a summer without a few swim days at Stuart's backyard...Thanks Jamie and Kathy!!!

Above: Our friend Kerbe
Above: Brock loves the Valentine's Party and all of his new friends.
Above: Liz, Tessa , Dane, Cameron, Kelsey, Stuart, Blaire, and TJ at the Fort Douglas Museum.
Above: Nate, Dane and Tawna are so brave to ride this crazy fun ride.
Above: Matt our new friend here at Clubhouse.
Below: Megan,Dane and Stacy at the Bee's Game
Below: Megan,Dane and Stacy at the Bee's Game
Above: Cool guys Sam, Kelsey & Linsey enjoying their Trax ride together
Above: Sitting by the big City Creek fireplace waiting for our Santa appointment T.J., Tawna, Dane, Sam, Nate, Linsey, Andy, Johnathan, Beau and Kelsey below
Below:Beau loving Thanksgiving Points Gazebo and Petunias!
Below:Beau loving Thanksgiving Points Gazebo and Petunias!
Above:Sweethearts Vicki & Blaire enjoying each others company at the 3rd annual Easter Egg Hunt
Below: Andy, Tessa, T.J., Beau Ashley B. & Dane are getting a bit scientific at the Clark Planetarium Downtown at The Gateway
Above: T.J., Beau, Dane, Stuart & Andy waiting together at a Front Runner station in South Jordan
Below:Red Butte Gardens is the back drop for this beautiful picture of Meisha, Vicki, Rene', Cara, Tessa, Ashlee, Johnathan, Stacy, Beau, Stuart and Bri Anna
Below:Red Butte Gardens is the back drop for this beautiful picture of Meisha, Vicki, Rene', Cara, Tessa, Ashlee, Johnathan, Stacy, Beau, Stuart and Bri Anna
Above: Johnathan is so proud of his cake bunny we make every year for Easter time
Below:Ashley B. & Cameron love this static electricity ball
Below:Ashley B. & Cameron love this static electricity ball
Above: T.J. & Beau putting on the finishing touches on their Easter Bunny cakes
Below:T.J., Beau & Dane being goofy together somewhere
Above:Darren & Johnathan taking Bunny Cakes 101 very seriously
Below: Kelsey doing the Moonwalk on the moon?!
Below: Kelsey doing the Moonwalk on the moon?!

Below: We left Ashley B. & Jesse on Mars for a little while :)
Above: Darling Meisha loves to get her picture taken
Above: Lots of friends enjoying our Disney On Ice Suite at the Vivint Smart Home Arena Arena
Below:Ashlee C. loves to bowl almost as much as she loves Theme Parks
Below:Ashlee C. loves to bowl almost as much as she loves Theme Parks
Above: Chad decorating a "bunny cake for our annual East Gathering.
Below: Monica chilling on the Heber Creeper Train.
Below: Monica chilling on the Heber Creeper Train.
Above:Cameron loves the Dinasuars at The Natural History Museum
Below: Kelsey, Dane, Jesse & Stuart are laying on the glass floor at the museum
Below: Kelsey, Dane, Jesse & Stuart are laying on the glass floor at the museum
Above: Yes!! Another Bee's Game for us with Johnathan, Nate, Stuart and Andy
Below: Sherry helping everyone make their own cinnamon rolls on Baking Day
Below: Sherry helping everyone make their own cinnamon rolls on Baking Day
Above:Ashlee always has a smile for us here at the Club :)
Below: The Easter Party is always a winner with Sam, Stuart, Blaire and Andy
Below: The Easter Party is always a winner with Sam, Stuart, Blaire and Andy
Stuart and Beau are all giggles
Meisha making friends with the gorilla at the zoo

Below: Stuart & Johnathan having a good time together at the Living Planet Aquarium

Above: Beau & Ashlee having fun with the giant Legos at The Leonardo Museum
Below:Sweety pie Linsey and Megan showing us how it's done at her Road Show (red shirt/black sleeves, cute smile)
Below:Sweety pie Linsey and Megan showing us how it's done at her Road Show (red shirt/black sleeves, cute smile)
Below: Cara loving the beautiful day at Snowbird

Above above: Johnathan so glad to be swimming at Sara's house.
Above: Our friend Darren is a Bronco fan through & through!
Below: Bri Anna listening to her Kenny Chesney.
Below: Bri Anna listening to her Kenny Chesney.
Below: Friends Meisha, Stacy & Tessa having fun at the Bowling ally

Above: Miss Monica getting into the festivities at the Easter Egg Hunt
Below: Cameron, Stacy, Kelsey & Andy walking at Silver Lake
Ashley B., Bri Anna and Tessa getting a manicure at the Tech Center

Below: Cutie Bri Anna at the Leonardo playing with her favorite Legos
Below: Sara shines in her Road Show dance
Below: Sara shines in her Road Show dance
Below: Katrice soars happily in her Road Show performance
Above:Andy, Tawna & Katrice loving the day at Andy's cabin
Below: Cute girls Linsey & Kelsey in the field of flags in Sandy
Below: Cute girls Linsey & Kelsey in the field of flags in Sandy