Open Monday-Friday
~ We follow the above schedule which allows for individuals to choose & reserve the days they desire. We have 13 participants a day which ensures a quality, highly interactive environment. Every individual's ideas & needs are heard.
~ We also offer an evening activity on Friday's "TNC" which includes such events as "Pizza & Movie night" , Out To Dinner, Disney On Ice, "Cowboy BBQ Night", The Circus & more. It almost always includes dinner & the activity's fee. Volunteers come and help out on these evenings when needed. (see bio's under "meet our staff")
~ We require that those who attend are 18+ years & can:
1. Follow directions & participate well in a 1 staff/6 participant ratio
2.Care for their own personal hygiene & ride in a standard style vehicle/van
3. And lastly, treat others appropriately
~ We have 38 participants entering our doors each week & are growing! Please join us for a complimentary day. "Contact us" & we will send you information.
~ We send out a monthly calendar that has each day's menu, Monday's & Friday's activities in more detail. Please give us your address & we will send you one.
~ We also offer an evening activity on Friday's "TNC" which includes such events as "Pizza & Movie night" , Out To Dinner, Disney On Ice, "Cowboy BBQ Night", The Circus & more. It almost always includes dinner & the activity's fee. Volunteers come and help out on these evenings when needed. (see bio's under "meet our staff")
~ We require that those who attend are 18+ years & can:
1. Follow directions & participate well in a 1 staff/6 participant ratio
2.Care for their own personal hygiene & ride in a standard style vehicle/van
3. And lastly, treat others appropriately
~ We have 38 participants entering our doors each week & are growing! Please join us for a complimentary day. "Contact us" & we will send you information.
~ We send out a monthly calendar that has each day's menu, Monday's & Friday's activities in more detail. Please give us your address & we will send you one.